Improvement- The Seven Quality Management Principles

In this next blog post we will be discussing the 5th Quality Management Principle, Improvement. Improvement is about enhancing what has been done prior and using these past experiences to better the company. It involves all levels of the business seeking improvements and solving problems together. Continuous involvement of every individual is necessary to identify problems, find the solution and develop a plan to implement them.
Quality Management Principles:
1. Customer focus
2. Leadership
3. Engagement of people
4. Process approach
5. Improvement
6. Evidence based decision making
7. Relationship management
According to the article from titled ‘Quality Management Principles’, these Key Benefits include:
Key benefits
• Improved process performance, organizational capabilities and customer satisfaction
• Enhanced focus on root-cause investigation and determination, followed by prevention and corrective actions
• Enhanced ability to anticipate and react to internal and external risks and opportunities
• Enhanced consideration of both incremental and breakthrough improvement
• Improved use of learning for improvement
• Enhanced drive for innovation
Actions you can take
Educating and training employees at all levels is a productive first step in making improvements. This will provide them with the tools to be able to take the initiative to not only solve the problem but find the source of the issue to prevent it from happening in the future. Doing so also ensures the competency of employees in order to implement these improvements in future objectives and targets. This provides essential opportunities to recognize and acknowledge the enhancements put into place and those involved in it.
An article from titled ‘Seven quality management principles’ discusses how to find opportunities for improvement within a company and what effects implementation of these improvements can have:
Actively use these opportunities to identify risks and opportunities and initiate continuous improvements in the QM system:
· Pool sources of improvement, including customer feedback, audits, and process evaluations.
· Use employee feedback, including ideas, workplace improvements
· Market monitoring, especially other industries and technological changes
· Targeted programs for improvement and innovation
· Maintaining and further expanding knowledge within your organization
What can you achieve with the QM principle "Improvement"?
Improved profitability
Sustainable increase in performance and innovation
Sustainable competitive advantages
Overall, these specific opportunities are just some of many that can be targeted to make consistent improvements that lead to a positive impact within the company. Continuing to keep employees educated and executing new developments in the business process are some of the most valuable steps needed to achieve your goals. It is essential to remain disciplined as a company and make improvements a priority in your business plan.
Other Helpful and Informative Blog Posts -
ISO 9001 – The Seven Quality Management Principles (QMP)
Customer Focus - The Seven Quality Management Principles
Leadership - The Seven Quality Management Principles
Engagement of people - The Seven Quality Management Principles
Process approach - The Seven Quality Management Principles
Resources -
#business #WilkshireConsultingQMS #Management #ISO9001 #ISO #consulting #isocertification #quality #Training #audit